The characteristics of these deposits are thick-layered limestones with abundance of large benthic foraminifera (Alveolina, Nummulites, miliolidae). In the central and south-eastern limited area of the NP Kornati, Foraminiferal limestones (lower- middle Eocene) disconcordantly overlaying on GH formation. Gornji Humac formation (Turonian─Campanian) is composed mainly from peritidal limestones with numerous benthic foraminifera, Taumathoporella, Decastronema and rudists (Radiolitidae, Hippuritidae). Duh formation (upper Cenomanian-lower Turonian) with thick-layered pelagic (calcisphere and planktonic foraminifera) limestones. Milna formation (lower-upper Cenomanian) are dominantly presented by shallow-marine mud and grainy limestones (with a periodic appearance of Chondrodonta coquina), concordantly follows by Sv. Belej formation (lower-middle Cenomanian) deposits are presented with medium to thick-layered pelagic limestones with calcisphere and planktonic foraminifera.

Duh, Basina, Gornji Humac, Foraminiferal limestone, Terra rossa, Brown soil, Rock creep and Storm blocks) and 2 members (Baldarin and Gračišće). Map contains 12 lithostratigraphic units with stratigraphic range from lower Cenomanian to Holocene, 10 formations (Belej, Milna, Sv. Project team of CGS, with the financial and logistical support of the NP Kornati (03/2018- 03/2019) performed the predefined activities: geological mapping, defining and sampling of stratigraphic sections/profiles, structural- tectonic research, sampling of selected speleological objects, field input and graphical data display, reambulation, production of geological map in printed form, creating vector and raster files. Map production implies preparation of the existing documentation, prospection, defining and sampling of stratigraphic sections/profiles, geological mapping and reambulation, cabinet and laboratory research (KORBAR et al., 2012).

Field geological mapping of NP Kornati has resulted with data of deposits distribution, tectonic deformations and structural-tectonic relationships.

NP Kornati area (small central part of the former Mesozoic Adriatic Carbonate Platform) is 217 km2 of which land surface (89 islands) makes 50 km2. The methodology of the Basic Geological Map of NP Kornati is based on the recognition of the existing and separation of new lithostratigraphic units and the definition of the stratigraphic and structural position of the successions.